International security agencies have also cracked down on suspected North Korean smuggling of narcotics and counterfeit$ 100 bills in recent years, forcing the regime to revert to other ways to generate hard currency. 近年来,国际安全机构也对朝鲜走私毒品和百元美钞假币的可疑行为展开打击,迫使朝鲜政权转而采取其它方式获取外汇。
It could also consider increasing the number of US troops stationed on the peninsula, or stepping up searches of North Korean vessels suspected of smuggling illegal goods. 美国可能还考虑增加美国驻朝鲜半岛军力,或加强搜查涉嫌走私非法物品的朝鲜船只。
Failing to accept or assist in the investigations by the Customs when the goods declared under its agency are suspected of smuggling or violation of the provisions on customs supervision and control; 代理报关的货物涉嫌走私、违反海关监管规定拒不接受或者拒不协助海关进行调查的;